Sunday, March 30, 2008

baby brother's b day.

My little tiny baby brother turned 13 today.  Thirteen...geez.  I left the house when he was 6, and now he's 13.  That is sad and insane.

It seems like the only thing I deem worthy to blog about is the fact that I am SO ready to get back to VA and get back to Little Sam and the rest of the growing brood.  Its weighing on my mind a whole lot.  I am really excited about it and I hope that the Lord blesses our plans to move out.

Our borrowed car got broken into on Thursday night.  I had just gone through one of the worst experiences of my life...the All-City concert and evaluation with my girl's choir.  They killed sight-reading.  Not the "killed" as you would say, "Man, Nells Kline kills that guitar solo!" But "killed" as in , "Wow...somebody killed that cat."  It was terrible.  We got back really late and parked in front of our apartment which is not in a gated area of our complex.  At around 6:20 the next morning, someone rang on our doorbell.  It was the neighbor from downstairs she was on her way to work and saw that the doors on our car were wide open and the driver's side window had been smashed in.  They stole the radio and a tent that I bought for Olivia's birthday.  I suppose I shouldn't have left it in the car, but it's a butterfly tent for a two-year old.  Who's gonna look through a window and say, "Man i really want that $15 set up for my kid...let me just smash this window in...."

This is the second time this has happened to us in the past year.  The first time was right before Thanksgiving.  The first day of break, in fact.  That situation I could sort of understand being that it was right before Christmas and people were getting desperate for money to buy gifts and such.  But this time was just senseless.  There are even reports of people in Dallas who are awakened to the sound of their car alarms, to find that their car has been set on fire.  The last time this happened in Dallas, it was a cop car.  What is that about?

I watched No Country for Old Men a second time in the theatre the other day.  I caught a lot more this second viewing than I did the first time.  But I really picked up on the theme that our world is changing so fast and that I'm becoming one of those "old men" whom this country is no longer fit for.  What I see as sensible and proper and moral is no longer a thought in the minds of my students or of those who live in my community.  We're about to elect a president based on a popularity contest.  What are people thinking?!?

This break in hit home the fact that I was unbearably homesick.  When I heard the words, "your car got broken into" all I could think about was, "these kids are driving me nuts."  It may have been a student of mine, but more than likely wasn't...but that's where my mind jumped right away.  Needless to say, the next words out of my mouth after thinking that were, "I want to go home." 

We fixed the window, spared no expense.  And we're shopping around for cd players.  

As they say on that movie "Sliding Doors" when quoting Monty Python..."Cheer up, nobody expects the Spanish Inquisition."


Care_o_lynn said...

man, im so sorry to hear about your car! i saw the picture from a previous post and it doesnt look like a car someone would want to steal from, i would understand more if it was a mercedes or lexus but a crown vic??? really??? hope everything works out so you guys can make it back to the VA!!

Unknown said...

I'm pretty sure that was our third time. Once with Justin at Thanksgiving...once with Brooks...and once with Ferg and Whitney. yep, now I'm positive it was three times.