Thursday, December 11, 2008

4 lbs 1 oz.

I've never celebrated two numbers so much in my life. My son has finally reached the 4 lb mark, making it a little more of a possibility that he'll be home for Christmas.

As most of my avid readers know, we had our baby early. Six weeks early, he was born on Thanksgiving day at 7:07 am. I re-read my last post about nights alone and if I'll miss being by myself. Now that Indiana's been born, the hours just crawl by. I'm constantly alone, waiting until I can make it up to the hospital to see him again. And every time I see him, time just flies. He recognizes my voice, he smiles at me and seems to breathe me in when I hold him. I love him so much.

I was right about one thing, I really don't remember what life was like without little Indiana. I feel like he's always been here, that I was pregnant and admitted into the hospital forever ago. I never want to be without him.

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