I've been struggling lately...well, not just lately, I should say that I've always had a difficult time seeing "the big picture," "the silver lining," "the light at the end of the tunnel" and this situation has been no exception. I feel like almost every door has been shut with no window left open. Keith, the expert in spotting silver linings reminds me daily that, "things will get better...God didn't call us here just to abandon us all of a sudden." I know its true. But man, I wish I could see that silver lining.
In other news, Indiana is rolling over, eating carrots and laughing constantly. He's the best thing! I cannot imagine my life without him! I say that so often, and its always true.
My mother returned from a month-long visit to the Philippines to get her Bridge redone. I never want to travel overseas for dental work. Hopefully, we'll have dental insurance soon.
We saw Pixar's Up the other night. I CRIED! It was amazing. I really love movies and cinema and the preservation of film. But since having Indiana, we haven't really been to the movies that often, maybe 3 in the last 2 months?
I may have to go back to work for real. I tried to escape the reality of working by helping my mom out with childcare here at the house, but there aren't enough kids to go around. I feel guilty taking money from my mom if I'm still living with her, and eating her groceries, using her electricity...you know? Doesn't make sense. The ChaCha thing is burning me out. So I think I have to look for part time work for the summer or the fall...then again, it all depends on Regent! ARrghhHh!
here's a picture of me and my boy.

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