Tuesday, January 6, 2009

More about old times...

So regarding my last post. I'd like for you to venture with me to a world unlike any other- the world of my own mem'ries. In my last post, I mentioned to all 6 of you that Blizzard found a bunch of our old Live Journals. Firstly, I was wrong, Blizzard didn't find ANYTHING, Marco found them. Next, I want to draw your attention to two in particular. The first one is here where I foretell of events to come!

and this one, which I'll cut and paste because it's short enough and because I have a feeling you won't visit the link and it's just too funny NOT to read. This is from KEITH'S live journal:

thump thump thump
so my new thing is to beat my chest. today i did it after i finished a meal and again after a ascended my stairs. it gives me a feeling of potency and strength (with a slight nod to male dominance). i liked how i felt today during and after the beat(ings). this may become a fixure of my personality. if i do adopt this, i must be sure to use it discreetly, only when my heart tells me too. i will not kiss my bride then turn to beat my chest, BUT i could finish a good plate of food at the reception and give a little pound, just to state the fact that the food was there, and i dominated over it. secondly i will not do it for show, this is not a group event, this is about my sense of worth and dominance over my life territory. i also think that this will benefit my children, as they will have a dad who beats his chest on occasion, they will have an engrained belief of my superiority as a father over other fathers, just based off the fact that i have the gall to beat my chest after a particularly pleasing television program. everyone is saying to get in touch with your feminine side, but i feel a need to get in touch with my male side. *you can be sure my chest will be getting a good pounding after i post this*

I'm not sure I've told you all this, but after we got the sonogram that told us that Indiana was going to be a boy, Keith gave his chest a good thump, thump, thump.

This post is kind of a cheat because it's a post about older posts. I'll do better next time...

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