Sunday, January 4, 2009

2009, are ya outta your min(d)??

Man, I want to blog more after Justin found a bunch of our old LIVE JOURNALs! i can't believe it. I laughed a whole lot while reading my old entries and that's because I would just write every day even if I had no point in writing. I will admit, some of them are really boring, so I'll try to use discretion on this more "grown up" blog.

We had a smashing Christmas and New Year. Helped by the fact that I had Indy to celebrate with. He is just the best. I can't believe Keith and I have a family now. I take joy in doing little thing for Indiana. Even doing laundry, as all 4 of you know I hate doing.

Julia's New Year's Eve party was a little awkward for us older folks. Only awkward because neither Keith nor I, nor any of our friends (i think) were never really into going out and dancing. The most dancing I do is at weddings or at home, or rollerskating. We did though, discover a new form of dancing:

Techtonik Dance? We witnessed it firsthand at Julia's party and it made me want to go directly home and try it out:

We are so old that it completely confused us. It makes me tired and dizzy. I'll post more about New Year and the Holiday soon. I just wanted to get these little tidbits in with the hopes that in 5 years, Blizzy will find this blog and I can look back and laugh at how clever I once was.


Arianne said...

My head hurts from laughing SO hard.

ONLY YOU GUYS. Did you record the dance tonight?

Mandy said...

Hey Elise!! This was hilarious! It looks like y'all had a look great for just having had that baby:) I'm going to add you to my blogroll if that's okay? I love much fun! Happy New Year!

George Justin Blizzard said...

Marco found those Live Journals